Pièce Montée: un blog de tricoteuse !

lundi 9 mars 2009

It's Been a While. I Know.

The last couple of months have been kind of hectic and I'm now sure that 2009 will be a year of major changes in my life. Not all easy to deal with. It involves lawyers. Enough said. (Although the lawyers involved are surprisingly nice. Maybe I should of wrote "it involves french laws".)

Ok. Back to our regular program.

I was on a hat knitting groove last fall and earlier this winter. Funky colors, random stripes and exposed thread knots quickly became a trend in my creativity. Poker Hat is my latest one.

Poker Hat

Now, I just need a poker head for my Poker Hat.
I think I found one.

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7 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Love the hat ! Nice yout see you blogging again ^^

10/3/09 20:05  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

oh oui joli bonnet et bien contente de te revoir..mais mais de retour a quebec?:..

10/3/09 20:08  
Blogger Laurence a dit...

et tu vois...nous venons te lire avec le même plaisir !

10/3/09 22:51  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

2009 seems to be the year of changes for everyone...
The hat is pretty nice!

10/3/09 23:01  
Blogger Mags a dit...

I've missed my "flip flop" friend! Ahhh... lawyers, I have them in my life, too. I suggest dancing about your kitchen every morning while you wait for the coffee to be ready...

11/3/09 04:04  
Blogger Unknown a dit...

Cute hat on a nice head, I'm happy to read you again ;)

11/3/09 16:46  
Blogger Manon du Québec a dit...

Salut Nancy...long time so see...
Tu vendrais un de tes bonnets à mon fils de 14 ans quand il ira en visite près de chez toi dans un mois?

J'aimerais de tes nouvelles belle amie.....

Manon du Québec qui ne t'a pas oubliée

25/3/10 17:16  

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